• Interview with Shine Louise Houston, Feminist Pornography Filmmaker

    Shine Louise Houston is a feminist pornography film maker and the founding producer and director of Pink and White Productions, an independent production company creating queer and feminist pornography in San Francisco Her works have become the new gold standard of adult cinema Bethney, V...

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  • V Word Weekly Links

    Hey there, Happy New Year to YOU! We hope it's your best year yet Here's what we've been consuming this week instead of reading about weight loss (why does the internet think that's all women's health is) and working on resolutions READING Becoming by Michelle Obama - it's as good as...

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  • How to write a birth plan that doesn’t offend your doctor

    Let’s play a word association game Ready BIRTH PLAN… Some people hear this word and think about a streamlined game plan for labor—a pick list of delivery do’s and don’ts that ensure everyone is on the same page regarding “the ideal birth” Other people (most likely, your Ob/Gyn)...

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  • V Word Weekly Links

    Happy Weekend! Welcome to the first V Word Podcast Weekly Links blog post Come back every Friday for a list of all the lady bits buzz that we’re consuming each week Here’s what we’re reading and listening to at V Word this week: READING The real sex lives of historical queens (The...

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  • What IS a Pap Smear Anyway?

    You know you need one every few years (and sometimes more frequently if you’ve had a recent abnormal result), but what exactly is the infamous pap smear, what does it have to do with HPV, and do you really need it The clearest and most simplistic way to think about it is this: pap smears are...

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